
Rotary forges partnerships with like-minded groups – from community nonprofits to the United Nations – that make us stronger and more successful at what we do.

Our partners

Rotary collaborates with international, governmental, and university groups to tackle global humanitarian issues.

Working with partners

Rotary’s relationship with the following partners opens the door for Rotarians to work with them directly:

Our strategic partners

Rotary has formed strategic partnerships with the following organizations to offer service opportunities:

  • UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
  • World Vision

United Nations and Nongovernmental Organizations

Rotary appoints each year to UN bodies and NGOs worldwide. Rotary’s representatives meet regularly with officers and staff from international agencies to:

  • Discuss parallel concerns and potential areas for cooperation
  • Inform organizations about Rotary’s programs
  • Gather information about the developments and programs of other groups

Resources & Reference