Just before President Joe rang the bell to start the meeting a familiar face showed up at the doors to the dining room. It was PDG Bernadette Jennings with two visitors and pushing a baby stroller. First, the youngest and 100% Italian according to his Grandmother Bernadette, was Joseph 19 months old. A very handsome young man who was well behaved, eventhough his Granny said he was due for a nap. The other visitor was a young lady by the name of Cathrine, who arrived in the US on Monday after a 35 hour journey from Zimbabwe. She is here for the college graduation of her daughter Taf, who we all know well. This was truly a "family of Rotary" occasion. Marty Wood, Tafs adopted dad explained to the visitors who Taf was and how she came to be graduating college in the US some 5 years after having been hosted by the club and host parents Joel and Ann Kopke as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student. If you don't know the story, ask an Atlantic City Rotarian or any other number of  "Friends of Taf" who made this possible.